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Drive the Speed Limit.

20 MPH: the new speed limit
on local DC streets.

Help make Vision Zero a reality in DC.
Together, we can end pedestrian injuries & deaths.

A lot is going on in DC,
with a lot at stake.


More than 672,000 people live in the District. This number more than doubles each day due to commuters and people visiting DC’s many attractions and social scene. This leads to more than 40,000 vehicle crashes every year. Most can be avoided by simply following DC’s rules of the road. Learn about them here and following them to stay safe on DC roads.

Striving to help the District greatly reduce fatalities and serious injuries.
Seat belts are your best defense against unsafe drivers.
Nearly 30 people die each day due to an alcohol-impaired driver.
One in four crashes involves cell phone use.
Aggressive driving is a factor
in nearly one-third of all crashes, injuries, and fatalities nationally.
DC and surrounding jurisdictions are united against bicycle and pedestrian tragedies.

The District is committed to protecting the lives of those traveling on city roads.

VisionZero represents the city's goal of reducing traffic fatalities to zero. Traffic deaths are preventable.

District Department of Transportation

55 M Street, SE • Washington, DC 20003

© DC Road Rules 2017. All rights reserved.

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